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1 The purpose of Entrance Tests:

1.1   Pupils are tested so that the school understands their levels of achievement.

1.2  Pupils are assessed so that they can be placed at the appropriate level in the academic programme.

1.3   Pupils are assessed so that they can be provided the right remedial help right from the start by their teachers.

2.0 Registration: A parent who wishes to enrol a child at Legae English Medium School is required to do the following:

2.1  Registration for Standard 1 and Standard: 2-6 positions will commence   from the month of January each year for the following year entry.

2.2  Complete the Pupil Information Form 1 at the Administration Office.

2.3   Provide the following documents:

2.3.1        A copy of date of Birth Certificate.

2.3.2       A transfer certificate or official letter (where relevant) if the pupil studied in a different school. (STD: 2-6).

2.3.3        Progress reports of previous standards of study (STD 1-6).

2.3.4   Divorce Documentation(where relevant).

2.3.5 Custody agreement documentation(where relevant).

2.3.6 Affidavit of legal guardianship(where relevant).

2.3.7       Pay a non-refundable fee of P250.00 (two hundred and fifty Pula only) and a deposit of P1000.00 (one thousand Pula only) which is applied towards the first term fees.


  • -The school does not admit students into Standard 7.
  • -The last year for admission is Standard 6.
  • -Testing of incoming students is from Standard 2-6 transferring.
  • -The School does not test Standard 1 entrants.
  • -Students may enter Standard 1 from the age of 5 years. They must be at least 5 years of age by the first day of the first academic term in the year.
  • -ONLY the parent or legal guardian of the child may sign the application documents. If it is the legal guardian, documentary proof is required by the School. If it is the parent, then the birth certificate with the parents named, must be provided to the School.
  • -If the above documentation is not available then an affidavit must be supplied to the School and the acceptance of the registration will be at the School Board's discretion.
  • -The person responsible for school fees must sign the declaration section that they are responsible for the payment of school fees.

3.0 Date of testing: The Headteacher's office will then decide a date for the entrance test, in consultation with the Personal Assistant to the Deputy Head Academic and Head Teacher. The date will then be communicated to the parent by the Headteacher's Personal Assistant.

4.0 Preparation for the Entrance test:

4.1 The Deputy Head Academic's Office will ensure that the test papers are photocopied and the venue is ready for testing to be carried out on the stipulated day.

5.0 The day of testing:

5.1 The parent will bring the pupil on the day of testing to the Head Teacher’s Office.

5.2 The Secretary will then take the pupil to the place of testing where the pupil will write the entrance test.

6.0 Date of testing: Parents of prospective students will be notified of the test date upon registration.

7.0 The criteria of testing:

7.1 Pupils should have a thorough understanding of all the educational materials from the previous standard.

7.2 They should be able to practically demonstrate it by appearing in an entrance test.

7.3 They should be able to achieve the required standards set by the school from time to time.

8.0 Question papers:

8.1 The test paper for a particular standard will cover the entire syllabus for the previous standard.

9.0 Testing:

9.1 The pupil will write English and Mathematics tests only in the Lower School whereas in the Upper School they will write English, Mathematics and Science.

9.2 The tests will carry 60 marks each.

10.0 Invigilation:

10.1 The pupil will then be invigilated by the designated person.

10.2 At the end of the stipulated time the invigilator will collect the answer sheets and then pass it on to the Deputy Head Academic.

11.0 Marking:

11.1 The Deputy Head Academic will then send the answer sheets to the standard coordinator who then will mark the answer sheets with the help of the marking keys. They then allocate marks and send it to the Technical Manager.

12.0 Types of admission:

12.1 Admission to the standard of request.

12.2 Admission to a standard appropriate for the pupil to be in.

13.0 Determination of admission criteria:

13.1 The criteria which should be used to determine whether a pupil should be admitted to the required standard is as follows:

13.1.1 A pupil who passes both English, Mathematics and Science with 65% in each subject in the upper school will be admitted in the standard of request and a pupil who passes with 60% in English and Mathematics in each subject in the Lower School will be admitted in the standard of request.

13.1.2 However, if a pupil achieves less than 65% or 60% respectively, then the pupil will be required to join the next lower class.

13.1.3 Using the above criteria, the Head Teacher will then determine whether the pupil should be admitted in the requested standard or a lower standard.

14.0 Enrolment:

14.1 The decision of the Head Teacher will be intimated to the P.A.

14.2 The P.A will then contact the parent to come to school to discuss the outcome and pay the fees. Fees are paid at the Administration Office.

15.0 The day of enrolment:

15.1 The parent is asked to pay the fees, sign the document ‘Legae Code of Conduct’ and return the document to the Administration office. A copy of the document will be given to the parent at the same time.

15.2 The parent will also complete the form ‘Information Form 2’ and return the document to the Administration office.

15.3 The parent will be given a copy of the school prospectus.

15.4 After the fees have been paid, the name of the pupil will be forwarded to the Headteacher's Office to add the pupil to the class list along with the ‘Code of Conduct’ and ‘Information Form 2.’

15.5 The P.A will then include the name of the pupil on the class list, prepare a file for the pupil and keep the documents in the file. The file will then be stored in the filing cabinet in the Deputy Head Academic’s office.

a) One term’s WRITTEN notice is to be given to the administrator or payment in-lieu.

b) Parents who are transferred from Gaborone without sufficient notice are exempt from a), provided they submit documentary proof from GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT ONLY, and provided the transfer is before or within the first week of the term.

c) Parents who have already paid the terms school fees and are transferred under b), the fee will be refunded less 10%. Under all other circumstances fees are forfeited.

d) Parents who have paid School Fees and do not take up places forfeit monies paid unless fall under category b).

e) Should the student not achieve the required grades to progress to the next level and need to repeat, parents withdrawing their child(ren) because of such, are still subject to the same terms and conditions as student performance is an ongoing process incorporating parent – teacher consutations, feedback, reviews and recommendations. 


School Uniforms for Students

The following must be strictly adhered to with no addition/alterations.



  •   Legae School Dress
  •   Black shoes
  •   Black socks
  •   School hat

PE Uniform- for both boys and girls

  •   White shorts
  •   White Legae Logo Golf Shirt
  •   Plain all-white tee shirt
  •   Legae House T-shirt
  •   White takkies/trainers
  •   White socks
  •   School hat


  •   Khaki shirt short sleeve
  •   Khaki shorts
  •   Khaki long sleeve shirt
  •   Khaki trousers
  •   Black socks
  •   Black shoes
  •   School hat



  •   White Legae Logo Golf shirt
  •   Plain all-white T-shirt
  •   Legae House T-shirt
  •   School Brown tracksuit pants
  •   School Brown tracksuit jacket
  •   School jersey/cardigan
  •   Black shoes
  •   Black socks
  •   Black tights (if a dress is worn)
  •   No corduroy trousers
  •   No beige socks
  •   No boots
  • Any woollen scarf, hats, gloves must be brown

PE Uniform- for both boys and girls

  •   White shorts (worn underneath the tracksuit pants)
  •   White Legae Logo Golf Shirt
  •   Plain all-white T-shirt
  •   White takkies/trainers
  •   White socks


  •   White Legae Logo Golf Shirt
  •   Plain all-white T-shirt
  •   Legae House T-shirt
  •   School Brown tracksuit pants
  •   School Brown tracksuit jacket
  •   School jersey
  •   Black shoes
  •   Black socks
  •   No corduroy trousers
  •   No beige socks
  •   No boots
  •   Any woollen scarf, hats, gloves must be brown

Uniform Rules

  •   No jewellery or make-up is allowed to be worn at school.
  •   Earrings worn must only be small round silver or gold studs or sleepers.
  •   Hair must be neat and tidy.
  •   Long hair must be tied back.
  •   No dreadlocks are permitted
  •   No long hair with braids as students are required to participate in sporting activities.
  •   Any braids need to be maximum shoulder length.
  •   Any hair accessories must be black only - no multi-colours are permitted.

Upper School Students may also wear a Legae School Blazer as part of their Uniform.

1. The purpose of the policy:

1.1 to guide the health and safety procedures in the School.

1.2 To be compliant with the laws of Botswana regarding health and safety of learners.

2.0 Rules and Regulations

 The school has engaged the services of a qualified paramedic who is working closely with the School's SHE officers.

2.1 The School has a comprehensive First Aid Kit in the Sick Bay, the PE Dept.  and in the School Nurse’s Classroom.

2.2 The First Aid Kit consists of: cotton wool, antiseptic, bandages, rubber gloves, wound cream, insect bite cream, flannels, ice packs, plasters, scissors, lint, as a minimum.

2.3 Because of the danger to other students, any student suffering from a contagious or infectious illness should NOT be in school. These illnesses include, but are not limited to:

a.  measles, mumps, chicken pox, polio, tetanus, influenza, hepatitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tuberculosis and respiratory illnesses.

b. pink eye, worms, ringworm, scabies, scarlet fever, strep throat, head lice, impetigo.

2.4 Any child who is unwell at School will be taken to the Sick Bay and parents informed to take the child to a Doctor.

2.5 The School First Aid Office keeps records of all incidents and accidents in the school. A letter is sent home to parents when the student has seen the First Aid Officer or received First Aid at school.

2.6 The School subscribes to Med Rescue International (MRI) who are in attendance at all Legae School events and are called to the School as needed.

Policy on Infectious Diseases: 

The school adheres strictly to all health protocols and regulations as prescribed by the Ministry of Health  (Department of Health Services) and the Private Schools Regulations as stipulated in the Education Act. Since the onset of Covid-19 Pandemic in 2022,the school has put in place a stringent measures to combat the spread of Covid-19 in the school. These include among others, regular record keeping and reporting and constant liaison with our District Health Management Team (DHMT).

The School nurtures and embraces children from all faiths, religions, cultures, nationalities and races. Students celebrate diverse cultural events and international days.

The School has its own School Prayer and School Song for assemblies and gatherings.

Dear God,

In your gracious name, the one who is perfect in every way,

You are our Protector and it is in you we seek refuge

It is with your blessings that we see a new day every day

Thank you for everything and all that you do

For this life, the air we breathe and giving us what we need

Support us with your love

Allow us to embrace the diversity and beauty of your creation

Bless our school Legae To be a place that helps our students prepare life's journey

Grant us knowledge, and guide our Teachers to help us grow

So that we may soar like birds in the sky one day

We pray that you help us all as students to know and understand

Respect, kindness, diversity and cultures

And to treat one another with love and compassion

Dear God

Please bless us all, our friends, family and planet too

Shower us with your love Now and forever, in your great name

That we may live in gratitude of your greatness.



    Payment of school fees for Term 1 -2025 are due from the 2nd December 2024 or earlier if parents prefer to do so, until close off date: 13th January 2025. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 14th January 2025.   50%  school fees should be paid upfront before the beginning of the term. Parents who do not honor the 50% school fees payment at the beginning of the term will be charged P250.00 penalty when school opens and a P100.00 penalty every week that fees not  paid. Parents are encouraged to pay/make arrangements before end of term 3 2024. 

    • RECEPTION        P7,000.00/TERM (2025)
    • STD 1                   P12,250.00/TERM (2025)
    • STD 2                   P13,000.00/TERM (2025)


    Children whose fees remain unpaid may not attend classes and risk having their places forfeited.  Part-payments due after 13th January 2025 will attract an Admin Levy of P50.00; Parents can deposit into the school account and bring proof of payment.  Breached payments arrangements (separate from late payments), P250 for each individual breach. 

    Please note that arrangements may be made for part-payment of school fees ending 31st January 2025 for a parent with one child where at least half of the fees have to be paid by due date (13th January 2025). Parents with 2 or more children will be allowed until 28th February 2025. With standard monthly payment arrangement for parents with two or more children: (end of January and end of February).

    Arrangements must be made before the due date,13th January 2025, in order to avoid penalties. An arrangement is made when part of the fees are paid. Please call for further information, 3973610 or 72123366. 

    No arrangements will be accepted once fees are overdue. 

    Please be advised that children with outstanding amounts will not be allowed in class, nor in the following term until all monies both outstanding and current fees are settled in full.

    Absa Bank
    Branch: Government Enclave
    Account Name: Legae English Medium School
    Account No: 3370778
    Branch Code:290267
    Ref: Child’s name + Class


MON- FRI (07:30 am – 13:00 pm)  

  MON- FRI (13:00-14:00 PM) OFFICE CLOSED 




MON – FRI: 0800 am – 1600 pm  



For 2025 the following term fees are:

  •   Reception: P 7, 000.00 per TERM, (seven thousand pula) or P21,000.00 (twenty one thousand pula) per YEAR.

  •   Std 1: P 12, 250.00 per TERM, (twelve thousand, two hundred and fifty pula) or P36,750.00 (thirty six thousand, seven hundred and fifty Pula) per YEAR.

  •   Std 2-7: 13, 000.00 per TERM, (thirteen thousand pula) or P39,000.00 (thirty nine thousand pula) per YEAR

Included : All school stationery, exercise books, text books, work books, remedial lessons and sporting activities (except those attracting external provider payment) during the school day.

We do consider customized fee payment arrangements apart from the standard arrangements and such need to be made in writing to Managing Director's office.


Term time:

7:30am to 1:00pm 
•2:00pm to 4:30pm – Only Collecting Cheques and Deposit Slips.

During holidays:
8:00am – 4:00pm 


The School does not provide transport to and from school. Transport is provided only for School sporting fixtures, school visits and school trips.

However, the School uses Vincent Excellent Transport as its provider of choice and recommends it to all parents needing transport for their children. 

You can contact this company on:

Mr Vincent Mongati 71492192 or speak to the Representative at school in the Std 1 play area.

Parents are cautioned against using private taxis, combis, and public transport, as the services are not regulated nor monitored in any way by the School.