Legae English Medium School has a long tradition of awards that are given for outstanding performance in Academics, Sports and the Arts.
Students are rewarded for achievement, dedication, commitment and excellence.
School Colours
School Colours are awarded to students in the Upper School (Standards Five, Six and Seven) who achieve a high standard of academic, sporting, or artistic performance and represent the School on a regular basis.
A metal badge they can wear on their uniform if they achieve full colours.
Colour System
- Academic: Gold
- Music:Silver
- Drama: Bronze
- Sports:
Sport |
Colour |
Athletics |
White |
Basketball |
Turquoise |
Cross Country |
Yellow |
Football |
Grey |
Netball |
Black |
Softball |
Magenta |
Swimming |
Lilac |
Tennis |
Orange |
Chess |
Blue |
Fencing |
Green |
Criteria for Colours in Academics
- Position 1, 2, or 3 in each of the Monthly Tests throughout the year, and the Mid-Year and End of Year exams.
- Outstanding representations in Academics
Criteria for Colours in Sport
- Membership of a School Sports Team.
- Exemplary sporting conduct throughout the year.
- Fixtures honoured and attended throughout the season.
- Commitment to weekly training throughout the season.
- Outstanding representation in a School sport (position 1,2,3).

Criteria for Colours in Music
- Membership of a School Music club or ensemble.
- Exemplary conduct throughout the year.
- Rehearsals and events honoured and attended throughout the year.
- Commitment to weekly practise throughout the year.
- Outstanding representation in a Music (ranking 1,2,3 or commendation)
Criteria for Colours in Drama
- Membership of a School Drama club or cast.
- Exemplary conduct throughout the year.
- Rehearsals and events honoured and attended throughout the year.
- Commitment to weekly practise throughout the year.
- Outstanding representation in Drama (ranking 1,2,3 or commendation).
Blazers are worn by all Upper School students (Standard Five, Six and Seven students).
All those who receive colours wear their badges on their blazer.
Prefects, Head Girl, Head Boy, Librarians and House Captains wear their badges on their blazers.
Prefects, Head Girl, Head Boy, House Captains are chosen from the Standard Seven students.
House Captains are chosen from the Standard Seven students unless there is no House represented, then the students can be chosen from Standards Five and Six respectively.
Class Monitors
Each year two Class Monitors are chosen.
These monitors assist the teacher and are given special duties in the Class
- Each year Librarians are selected by the Librarian to be trained in Library skills and assist in the school Library.
The Trophies System
The House Winners Shield
Awarded to the winning House at the end of the School Year-engraved with the Winning House name.
This shield is won by adding up all the house points won throughout the year. The House with the highest total wins.
The House Winners Soaring Eagle Trophy
Awarded to the winning House at the end of the School Year as a Floating Trophy.
The year winners have the trophy for that year.
The Violet Hamilton Trophy
Awarded to a Teacher for outstanding service to the School.
A shortlist of staff will be forwarded to Mrs Hamilton according to the following criteria:
a. Academic-overall average achievement of the class for the year should be 80% A grades and above.
b. Afternoon programme-outstanding contribution to the afternoon programme at the school.
c. Service-outstanding contribution to service either through the School Outreach Programme or voluntary work done in the community on behalf of the School.
d. School Culture-outstanding contribution to school culture in terms of promoting teamwork, academic achievement, sporting achievement, achievement in the arts, Continuing Professional Development.
The Dr O’ Connell Trophy
Awarded to a student in Standard Seven for Outstanding Academic Performance.
The criteria for this trophy is:
a. All marks recorded throughout the year for monthly tests and the mid-year and end of year examinations are totalled and must be the highest in the year group.
b. The average of these marks must add up to 85% and above.
c. If there is no student who conforms to the above criteria, then the trophy will not be awarded.
The Legae Trophy
Awarded to a student in Standard Seven for the Most Improvement in Academics.
The criteria for this trophy is:
a. The biggest improvement in overall percentage throughout the year.
b. Consistent commitment and diligence to improve performance.
The Legae Arts Trophy
Awarded to a student in Standard Six for outstanding performance in the Arts.
The criteria for this trophy is:
a. Represented the School in an Arts activity.
b. Shown excellence in either Fine Art, Drama, Music, or Performing Arts.
c. Performed a lead role in the End of Year Concerts.
The Legae Sport Trophy
Three trophies are awarded; one to a girl and one to a boy, in Standard Seven, for outstanding performance in sports, and one for the overall top sportsperson in the school.
The criteria for this trophy is:
a. Representation of the School in a Sporting capacity.
b. Outstanding performance in one or more sport.
The awards are given by a committee comprising of the Board Governors (where they are awarding), the Managing Director, the Headteacher, the Deputy Head Teacher and the Deputy Head Pastoral.